Dyeing techlonogy super save water

ECO-DYE: new dyeing technology makes maximum reduction of water use

Post date: 08-11-2015

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As part of the environmental movement in Kurobe plant YKK (Japan), YKK developing dyeing method "ECO-DYE ”technology uses supercritical fluid (SFD), allows reduction of water use virtually to zero during dyeing zipper.
Through the manufacturing business, YKK Group is aiming to contribute to a sustainable society by producing and creating new value in collaboration with local communities, customers and employees.
Through the manufacturing business, YKK Group is aiming to contribute to a sustainable society by producing and creating new value in collaboration with local communities, customers and employees.
Now operating in 71 YKK countries and regions, including Japan. Nowadays when required power to resolve environmental issues, strengthen chemical management etc. then increasing special needs to protect water sources around the world, it is essential for human life and should in industrial demand. In future the problem of water is said to increase. For the garment industry, the key issues include reducing water use, eliminating the discharge of hazardous substances and waste in machining. The apparel industry is actively taking action to resolve these issues. For example, big brands are participating in the campaign Detox (detoxifying) aims to eliminate water pollution and discharge of hazardous substances.
As a leading company in the manufacture of products fastened, YKK not only produces quality products but also very attentive to the environmental aspects of production. Reduce water use and eliminate waste in the production of products fastened are becoming increasingly important. YKK currently working for technology application SFD, a new technology for dyeing dyed zipper. This technology uses carbon dioxide (CO2) as the medium dyed, make possible to reduce water use and avoid nearly zero wastewater problem. In addition, CO2 can be collected and reused. Another advantage of using the SFD is not require drying, ie contribute to reducing energy use.
YKK currently testing and further work on technology development "ECO-DYE" large production warehouse.
My Lan Hoang
According www.textileworld.com

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