Net knitting machine
NCS intro. - Knitting machines for production and export of products
Post date: 29-09-2017
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Demand for various types of nets used in industry, agriculture, construction ... tends to increase with the overall economic growth. The production of woven nets from chemical fiber, plastic ... is increasing more and more: safety nets, shielding in construction works, high buildings in residential areas are required to be implemented; Grids for aquaculture; Planting sun umbrellas, nurseries ...; Grids serve fishing and seafood both inland and offshore ... Today, the manufacturer has launched many types of knitting machines, diverse in features, types, high productivity thanks to. improve speed, capacity; The automation level is much higher than in the past ...
In Vietnam, many companies have imported knitting machines from China, Taiwan, Korea ... to produce the net production in the country. It is also very diversified, of high quality and is gradually replacing the imported net, and can export to some countries in the region. Importing advanced machinery and equipment, employing domestic workers, making goods for sale is a trend in the policy "Vietnamese people favor Vietnamese goods" is encouraged by the State.
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