How are antimicrobial fabrics used for manufacturing masks made?

NCS infor.- The most common way to get antibacterial textiles is to put antibacterial substances and keep them durable (or inside) the textile during use ...

Post date: 04-04-2020

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“Before and until now, in the world as well as in Vietnam, putting antibacterial agents on fabric was mainly done after bleaching, staining or printing in different ways: infuse , coating or spraying ... Treated by this method, the finished fabric is capable of killing up to 90% of bacteria after 1 hour of exposure and reducing to 60-70% after a number of washings (after 10 or 20 washings depending on type of antibacterial used). The advantage of this technology is that it can handle small, fast and flexible shipments in the production and supply of products to customers, in accordance with the requirements of timely provision of antibacterial fabrics for mask production. fabric ”, Dr. Nguyen Van Thong shared ....
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